Whether you qualify for indigent support or indigent rates relief depends on your monthly household income. If your total household income is R7 500 or less per month, you could qualify for a discount ...
Making the best rental decision means knowing the in’s and out’s of what renting a property entails and who is responsible for what. We’ve put a step-by-step guide together ...
Tenant demand in the Western Cape continues itspositive trajectory, reverting back to historically-lowlevels last seen in 2016 and 2017. After peaking at 14.38% in Q2 of 2021, the province’svacancy ra ...
It’s no secret that the commercial property market remains under pressure. This is reflectedin the fact that the sector is struggling to break through the 70% mark of tenants in goodstanding and a mar ...
The cancellation of a lease agreement has always been a touchy subject – what noticeperiod do you give? What does the tenant remain liable for? When do they have tovacate by? Can either the land ...
The 2022/23 Nersa-approved average price increaseThe tariff increases as approved by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) tobe applied to the tariff charges for Eskom direct customers ...
Double digits but a definite downward trend in vacancies Housing costs, water, gas, and other fuels account for 15.9% of householdexpenditure, add another 13.5% for miscellaneous goods and services, a ...