Practical tips to protect your business, staff and data!
A free Wi-Fi hotspot at the airport or your favourite coffee shop is so convenient … especially when the power is down. But, are you aware of the dangers? Public Wi-Fi networks are the perfect place for cyber criminals to gain access to and intercept your information on. By placing themselves directly between you and the hotspot, you are unwittingly forced to openly share your personal information with your attackers. We are talking passwords, location, credit card numbers and your latest transaction. While avoiding Wi-Fi hotspots may seem to be safer all together, the need for a continuous connection to the internet is also a reality – especially if you work remotely or travel frequently. How do you stay safe then? Six steps to safety on a public Wi-Fi hotspot: Never leave your laptop or phone unlocked or unattended. Verify the public Wi-Fi network’s name, not just the password, before connecting. Do not visit websites that do not support HTTPS. Don’t save your password or files locally if browsing on your own device. Use a VPN while you are on public Wi-Fi. Use a mobile network and create your own hotspot wherever possible. Source TPN |